Arthrostim® in St. Catharines

Arthrostim® is a handheld instrument used by our Chiropractors during soft tissue therapy or adjustments. It delivers rapid, low-force thrusts to the joints and spine at a much faster rate (around 12-14 thrusts per second) compared to a single, quick thrust typically used in manual chiropractic adjustments.

Arthrostim® treatments can be conducted as a part of a Chiropractic treatment session!

We are proud to provide this technique with high-quality tools at ProActive in St. Catharines!

What is Arthrostim®?

How does Arthrostim® work to help me?

By dividing the force of a traditional thrust into smaller, quicker bursts, the Arthrostim® allows for a more controlled and comfortable application of force during adjustments. The instrument can be customized with different styluses to target specific areas of the spine and other joints.

Additionally, the rapid, low-force approach may be more tolerable for some patients, particularly those who find traditional manual adjustments uncomfortable.

What are some conditions Arthrostim® can help treat?

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Headaches and migraine

  • Joint pain

  • Reduced mobility

  • Muscle tension and spasms

How do I get Arthrostim® at ProActive?

At ProActive, start with an assessment or follow-up visit with a Chiropractor to try Arthrostim®.

If, at any time, you are concerned about how Arthrostim® or any other treatment is conducted, we are happy to talk to you before any treatment begins. Have questions? Call our front desk!

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