ProActive Community Involvement

At the ProActive Centre, we are actively involved in our St. Catharines Niagara community!

Organizations we’re ProActive with


Since 2009, we have hosted a yearly Community Care day at our clinic: an event in November where our healthcare team offers complementary treatments in exchange for donations to Community Care.


Each February we raise awareness for Heart & Stroke prevention. Since 2017, we’ve hosted an annual Fundraising Fitness Class on Family Day. Donations from the fitness class, as well as toque and paper heart sales have totalled over $5000 to date, all given back to the Heart & Stroke Association of Niagara.

“Over the past decades, the Wise Guys Charity Fund has worked with dozens of deserving organizations in the Niagara Region, giving them the resources they need to provide the best possible care to the people they serve. By fundraising for Niagara, we’re able to keep improving our local community. We do this by relying on the region’s citizens, rather than the government.”

“The FireFit Championships is a competition based on fire fighting tasks commonly performed in emergency situations. There are many different levels of Competitors, from the seasoned 10 year veteran to the first time rookies. The FireFit Event is very demanding. Training prior to competition is imperative.”

From 2009-2019, we have annually participated in the Rankin Cancer Run, a local event that raises funds to remain in the Niagara Region.

Let’s Connect

“We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.”
