Fitness Packages & Promotions

At the ProActive Performance Centre, we provide exceptional personal training and group fitness classes in St. Catharines!

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Personal Training Packages

To purchase: Once you know which package you’d like, simply click “purchase” and you will be prompted to send an email. Please specify your package, number of passes you’d like, and your name. We’ll send you an invoice or you can pay in person! Virtual sessions are available. Please indicate virtual or in-person in your inquiry.

Please note: Personal Training Packages must be paid in-full at the time of the first session. Packages expire after 1 year. All Fitness Services (including personal and group training) are subject to HST

Personal Training: 30 Minute sessions

5 Pack
10 Pack
20 Pack
50 Pack


Personal Training: 45 Minute sessions


4 Pack
10 Pack
20 Pack
50 Pack

Personal Training: 60 Minute sessions


3 Pack
10 Pack
20 Pack
50 Pack

Group Fitness Class Packages

To purchase: Once you know which package you’d like, simply click “purchase” and you will be prompted to send an email. Please specify your package, number of passes you’d like, and your name. We’ll send you an invoice or you can pay in person!

Please note: Group Fitness Class Packages expire in 3 years. All Fitness Services (including personal and group training) are subject to HST.


Drop-In Class

$140 ($14/workout)

10-Class Package

$230 ($11.50/workout)

20-Class Package

Hit the refresh button on your health with our Health Reset Program! This is a 6-week guided health program designed to help you maximize success and build healthy, sustainable habits. Includes Doctor-designed custom programs with exercise and nutrition guidelines based on your health assessment findings, personal health history, and goals. 

What’s included in the Health Reset Program?

  • 3 visits with the Naturopathic Doctor to discuss health needs and customize the program (nutrition & exercise) to you specifically.

  • A fitness assessment and two body composition measurements to track progress (before and after)

  • A 10-class pass, group fitness classes to be used during the program

  • Tracking booklet including guidelines and references for the program

  • Info session (in person and recorded will be available)

  • Package B includes all of the above, plus ten 45-minute personal training sessions

Reset your health TODAY!

Package A

$395 + HST ($523 Value)

Package B

$775 + HST ($993 Value)

  • Packages are available all year and can be started or repeated at any time.

  • Packages expire within 8 weeks of start date.

  • Naturopathic visits can be covered under your extended health benefits if eligible ($288 of each package)

    • Talk to us about how to apply coverage.

  • Direct billing not available for packages.

Important information

Current Promotions

To purchase: Once you know which package you’d like, simply click “purchase” and you will be prompted to send an email. Please specify the promotion you are interested in and your name. We’ll send you an invoice or you can pay in person!

Partner & Small Group Training 30% Off!

Single classes for partner training: Book your sessions with friends for SAVINGS! For every training session that is booked and completed together, each person will receive 30% off the price of their session(s). If partner training is booked and one person is unable to attend a session, either both parties will be charged for their session (with the 30% discount) or the single person receiving the training session will be charged for an individual session.

Packages for partner training - if you and other(s) are looking to train together, and you’d like to use a package instead, you will receive 30% off the price of that package. (packages purchased for partner training, with the 30% discount) may ONLY be used for sessions where there is at least one other paying person attending.

Please note: Personal Training Packages must be paid in-full at the time of the first session. Packages expire after 1 year. All Fitness Services (including personal and group training) are subject to HST

First Time Personal Training Promotion

New to training at ProActive? Start with our Fitness Kickstarter Personal Training Package!

Purchase any personal training package and get the kickstarter package (below) for less than half price!

  • 5 pack of group-fitness classes

  • Fitness & nutrition tracking journal

  • Two body composition assessments

This is perfect if you are new to personal training at the ProActive Centre and want to maximize your results with minimal commitment.

Cost: $75 ($155 Value!)

Let’s Connect

“We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.”
