Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) in St. Catharines
What is Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)?
Fascial stretch therapy (FST) is a type of manual therapy that focuses on stretching the fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles, organs, bones, and nerves. It's often used to improve flexibility, range of motion, and reduce pain.
People of all ages can benefit from fascial stretch therapy, including any patient cleared by their physician for stretching and active movement, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes of all levels. Clients tend to use the words "Lazy Yoga" as it caters to even those that do not move too much but need too.
How is FST different from stretching?
FST focuses on fascia, which surrounds each muscle, connecting them together both superficially and deeply. It also connects tendons, ligaments, and bone to form a body-wide, functional network. Fascia connects to all your organs and systems, too. By stretching these fascial connections, we can reap twice the benefits that come from just stretching isolated muscle groups.
FST is completely different than yoga and Pilates. It is completely compatible with other methods of therapy and training.
What are conditions FST can help treat?
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic headaches
Chronic pain
Disc herniation
Facet joint dysfunctions
Mobility issues
Recent injury to soft tissues
Pinched nerves
Plantar fasciitis
Thoracic outlet syndrome
What can I expect from a typical FST session?
Upon your first treatment, your fascial stretch therapist will ask specific questions, and assess the body based on any complaints or questions you may have. Each session is catered to the client’s needs. All treatments are done on the table with two stabilizing straps The straps are there to hold the one leg in place, while the opposing one gets moved around. This assures a true stretch is occurring. For each stretch session, the client is expected to wear stretchy pants or long shorts and a tank top or t-shirt. Short shorts are not recommended.
Mobility is often improved after the first treatment. The therapist will give you exercises to help maintain this after your first visit. More than one session is normally recommended. Each treatment plan varies with individual needs. Many report a decrease in stress, improved sleep, and significant decrease in pain in sometimes as little as three treatments.
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